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Downloading the Refcode Repository from Github

  1. Go to the GitHub Refcode repository
  2. On that page, click “Clone or Download” and then “Download ZIP”.
    Download Refcode Repo
    This will download the Refcode repository as a .zip file.
    Hint: Where did you download it to?
  3. Decompress it somewhere.
    Hint: Where did you decompress it?
  4. Open Atom and add the Refcode folder as a project.
  5. In Atom, open the following file: Refcode/Sprint-01/homework/helloworld.html


In the file above (helloworld.html) do the following:

  • HTML: Try to write a new HTML tag for a level 2 heading
  • CSS: Try to make the h1 tag red instead of the b tag
  • Javascript: Try to make the page alert 555 instead of 45