Account Management Workshop
In this class, (and in life!) you will be creating many accounts and managing many usernames and passwords. It is not acceptable to memorize your usernames and login info. It is not acceptable to re-use the same password across multiple accounts. Not only is doing so a security vulnerability, but it will slow down your progress and puts your work at risk should you forget some account information.
Set up and use the Chrome password manager (AKA Google Smart Lock)
For this class, all accounts that you use and create need to be stored in a password manager. If you already use an account manager such as LastPass, then you can continue to use that. However, if you don’t, then in this class you will be using a Google account to manage your accounts, usernames and passwords. This will sync across all accounts, browsers, and phones that you have signed in to, and will allow you to always have access to any account information by going to The only password that you will need to memorize is the password for your Google account
This workshop will walk you through how to use the password manager built-in to Google Chrome.
Log in to Chrome with your Google account
- Click the little icon of a person in the top-right corner of the browser.
- Follow steps to sign in using your Gmail or Google account info. (Android Users: Log in using the same google account that you use to log into your phone. Do not create multiple google accounts!)
- Write your Google password down somewhere on paper. Take care of it the way you would take care of money. Most hacking is done by bots, and bots cannot read your password off of a piece of paper, so this is in fact one of the safest places to put your password.
Save a new account with the Chrome password manager (Smart Lock)
- Create a GitHub account here:
- Create a username and enter your email address
- Right-click the password input and select Suggest Password…
- When the password menu appears below the input, click
Use suggested password
Note: You can click on the password field to see and edit your password before continuing. Sometimes you will need to do this when a website has special requirements for a password and the automatically generated password does not meet them. For example, it may require special characters and you may need to manually add a % or a $ to make the password meet the requirements.
- Click the button to create an account.
- Be sure the password is saved and you get a message in the top right of the browser:
- Go to and verify that the password and username (email, in this case) is stored.
Practice logging in with Google Account Manager
- Log out of GitHub
- Go to the login page
- Chrome will auto-detect the page and auto-fill your account. The fields that have been auto-filled will be yellow.
- If for some reason it isn’t auto-filled, (or if you have multiple accounts) you can click on the username and then select your account name from the dropdown, and it will auto-fill the login for you.